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Productivity Hub event

Early in July, Paul attended The Productivity Hubs summer event at Lincolnshire Showground following Gary Mumby's invitation.

Having a chat with Andrew Smith, Nick Pennock, David O'Brien and Tony Cox.

Many faces that had only been seen on Zoom calls before could now be seen in person. It was fantastic to meet with clients and new acquaintances before the event and during the lunch break without the constraints of a timed limit in a breakout room.

Richard West of Propeller Team Training organised an ice-breaker activity that included hula hoops, which I’m sure everyone wasn’t looking forward to - but it certainly worked.

Hula-hooping with Bev Thorogood from Floresco Training

The first talk was an engaging presentation on business's finances and what we need to be aware of by David O'Brien of The Consulting Room,

Following this, Rachel Haith the Empowerment Coach, provided advice on how to listen to yourself and deliver the best you.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming event and reintroducing myself to familiar and new faces.

The images were all captured by Emma Bunn at Natural Aspect photography.


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